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Microsoft in your community

Denmark community investments

Microsoft invests in local programs that benefit people of all ages. In Denmark, our collaborations are organized by our focus areas of Building Digital Skills, Enabling Sustainability, and Empowering Communities.

The following program list contains a sample of the investments Microsoft has made in Denmark.

Building digital skills  

Microsoft believes everyone should have access to the skills, technology, and opportunity they need to succeed in a changing economy.

ReDI School of Digital Integration is a non-profit tech school providing migrants and marginalized locals free and equitable access to digital education. It offers its learners high quality coding and basic computer courses in combination with a unique career and mentorship program, which includes the chance to collaborate with tech companies, startups, and digital industry leaders. Its aim is to provide its learners with valuable digital skills, a growth mindset, strengthened career skills, and a strong network of tech professionals to help create new opportunities for all.

  • Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence programs consist of 12-week courses inspired by resources on Microsoft Learn, with career activities, one-to-one mentoring, company visits, workshops, internship and job matchmaking. Graduates earn certification within corresponding Microsoft Learning pathways.
  • Digital literacy and mentorship for women with refugee backgrounds provides digital literacy training and one-to-one career guidance, including soft skill training, company visits, and the opportunity for mentorships, for refugee and migrant women based in the Greater Copenhagen area. Refugee and migrant women are underrepresented in Danish employment statistics, with less than 20% having a job after three years in Denmark (Danish Employer Confederation). Many of these women comprise ReDI School Copenhagen’s “digital beginners” group who have no or few digital skills, and very limited knowledge of and access to IT. In particular, this group needs support to check their bank account and administer their finances, communicate with the health system, communicate with their children’s teachers, and search and apply for jobs. Within this project, ReDI School engages local stakeholders as volunteers for the career activities.

Enabling sustainability 

Climate change requires swift, collective action and technological innovation. We are committed to achieving our goals while helping communities do the same.

Society for Ecological Restoration inspires, motivates, and engages people to protect, preserve, and restore wildlife habitat.

  • Expansion of an old coppice forest project initiated the ecological restoration of a coppice forest in Boserup Skov, developing a varied coppice forest with viable populations of at least eight different tree and shrub species that naturally belong in a coppice forest. In addition, the forest will be expanded by 5.8 hectares to the north and east. The total area of the coppice forest after expansion will be 10 hectares. Native shrub and tree species found in eastern Denmark’s coppice forests will supplement the area. Local sourcing of seeds and plants will be prioritized, though some climatically suitable ones may be bought. Unwanted tree species like sycamore, Norway spruce, sitka spruce, and beech will be controlled in both existing and new areas. Logging will also be conducted in the existing coppice forest following sustainable forest management practices.

Empowering communities 

Microsoft is committed to strengthening communities and empowering the organizations that help them thrive. Whether affected by a recent emergency or decades of challenges, we use data, technology, and strategic investments to restore and support them for future generations.

Boligselskabet Sjaelland is a housing association in Denmark that supports affordable social housing and provides community services for more than 12,500 homes.

  • Microsoft funding helps to create a stronger connection and unity in the residential areas, facilitate access to Danish lessons and IT, and increases the residents’ skills, networks, and opportunities for treading new paths. With the project, the participants acquire the necessary IT and Danish skills to contribute and participate as active citizens in society. The project increases the participants’ opportunities both socially, professionally and in relation to the labor market.


Danish Association of the Blind works to ensure that people with visual impairments have equal opportunities as everyone else to participate as citizens in society.

  • The project provides participants with access to digital equality to improve life quality and independence in relation to being able to cope as much as possible in a digital society. Additionally, the project will generate valuable knowledge and experience about how to support blind and visually impaired people with renewed IT skills.
  • ChangeX International helps to create thriving communities everywhere by democratizing change, ensuring proven innovations and finance are accessible to everyone, everywhere. ChangeX is a community engagement platform that, with Microsoft’s support, has funded more than 500 groups in communities across Europe and the United States since 2015. ChangeX Denmark Community Challenge makes financing, resources, and support available to those who are interested in initiating a proven idea, in the area of community environment and community tech skills to strengthen their local community. It focuses on community or school gardens, revitalization projects, and STEM labs or workshops. Key goals are to launch new local projects in the region around environmental sustainability, digital skills, and community prosperity, contributing to more sustainable, livable, and inclusive communities.


TechSoup Global builds a dynamic bridge that uses technology to enable connections and innovative solutions for a more equitable planet.

  • Nonprofits Digital Transformation Journey builds upon the digital resilience of EMEA nonprofits through the delivery of information, guidance, digital skills training, IT services, and access to technology products and solutions through a partnership with Microsoft. The project raises awareness about the benefits of digital transformation and helps organizations move towards a consistent level across the six digital capability areas according to the TechSoup digital capability framework.