Kemps Creek datacenter project overview
Microsoft began construction for the Kemps Creek Datacenter. The Datacenter construction site is located on Mamre Road precinct and the Western Sydney.
Why datacenters are needed
Datacenters provide the physical infrastructure for the technology we depend on at work and in our personal lives. Whenever you open an app on your phone, join a virtual classroom or meeting, snap and save photos, or play a game with your friends online, you are using a datacenter. Local businesses, government, hospitals, and schools rely on datacenters every day to deliver goods and services to you.
March, 2024
Construction progresses onsite for Building One – AW Edwards are steadily advancing construction of the first datacenter (Building One).
Preparations begin for second building
With the first building well underway, preparations have commenced for construction of a second datacenter building onsite (Building Two). Situated next to the first building in the Kemps Creek precinct, Building Two is expected to be completed in 2026. Completion of construction does not indicate datacenter operation/availability.
All works will be conducted during approved work hours: Monday – Friday 7am – 6pm and Saturday 8am – 1pm.
AW Edwards is committed to ensuring all vehicles accessing the site operate according to the approved Traffic Management Plan. In addition, we continue to monitor noise, vibration and dust levels to ensure that they remain within levels approved by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.
Together with Microsoft, AW Edwards is committed to keeping the community informed of relevant information during the construction period.
October, 2023
Earthworks at Kemps Creek are underway in preparation for the start of construction.
In October 2023, construction General Contractor AW Edwards began piling and excavation works to enable crews to lay the building’s foundations.
We anticipate by the end of 2023, AW Edwards will begin structural works. This work will include the delivery and installation of a crane, the creation of internal roads, concrete pours and increased truck movements to and from the site.
AW Edwards has committed to ensuring all vehicles accessing the site operate according to the approved Traffic Management Plan. Additionally, AW Edwards will monitor noise, vibration and dust levels to ensure that they remain within levels approved by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. Lastly, AW Edwards crews will use water sprays to minimise dust on site.
All work will be conducted during approved hours: Monday – Friday, 7am – 6pm and Saturday, 8am – 1pm.
With Microsoft, AW Edwards is committed to keeping the community informed, including any changes to the above works, and providing community updates throughout the construction period.

August, 2023
In September 2023, General Contractor AW Edwards will initiate construction on the Kemps Creek datacenter. Construction completion is expected in late 2025. Completion of construction does not indicate datacenter operation/availability.
Earthworks will begin in September to prepare the area for the building construction. All vehicles delivering to the site will operate as mandated by the approved Traffic Management Plan. Crews on site will use water sprays to minimise dust during these works.
All works will be conducted during approved work hours: Monday – Friday 7am – 6pm and Saturday 8am – 1pm. Noise levels will be monitored during these activities to ensure that they remain within permitted levels as approved by Department of Planning and Environment.
Together with Microsoft, AW Edwards is committed to keeping the community informed of relevant information during the construction period.
July, 2023
Collaborating with Traditional Owners for a new datacenter
On 29 June 2023 a Land Acknowledgement ceremony was held at the new datacenter site at Kemps Creek in Western Sydney. This event recognised 18 months of collaboration and partnership with Indigital, an Indigenous owner profit-for-purpose organisation, and the Dharug Nation as part of the “Connecting to Country” process.
Microsoft is grateful for the opportunity to continue to learn about the culture, stories, history, and traditions of Traditional Owners, and is committed to support the health and wellbeing of Country. The new datacenter will feature exterior artwork and landscape design shaped through the Connecting to Country process to support ongoing cultural connection and inclusion.
A special thanks to Aunty Julie Jones, a saltwater/freshwater woman of the Dharug speaking peoples; Steve Hughes, Traditional Custodian of the Cabrogal mob; Mikaela Jade, Founder and CEO of Indigital and proud Cabrogal woman of the Dharug-speaking nations; and the People from the Dharug Nation who joined the ceremony.
The Connection to Country process
“InDigital’s innovative solution of using machine learning tools to gather multiple individual inputs and produce Indigenous artwork outputs truly captures the integration of cultural heritage and technology which defines the partnership with Microsoft. It was an honour to be part of the Connection to Country process and to see what a positive impact we can make through DC development.”—Lucy Guerin, Regional Land Development Manager
“It was a privilege to attend the on-country exercise with InDigital and the mob at Kemps Creek. Being able to see the emotional connection between the mob and the country firsthand was extremely powerful. Most impactful was being able to see the development process through the eyes of the mob. My key takeaway and ‘Commitment to Country’ was acknowledging that we all have a responsibility to care for Country. I hope this work can invoke positive change in our industry and put a greater emphasis on the responsibility we have around ecology and cultural heritage.”—Mitchell Wakeford, Microsoft, Senior Program Manager, DC Supply Strategy & Planning
Find out more about the Connection to Country at the Microsoft Newsroom:
Staying connected
We will keep the community up to date via our Australia page in our Microsoft in Your Community blog.
For construction related questions or concerns, contact AW Edwards on 0466 891 876. To learn more about the project and permit submissions, please visit the A W Edwards Construction Page
For PR-related questions contact Microsoft Media Relations.
For all community or operational-related questions or enquiries, contact us at