Supporting domestic abuse programs in Dublin with Sonas
Providing freedom from domestic violence
In Q3FY18, Sonas received an award of $50,000 from the Microsoft Community Empowerment Fund. Sonas is a leading provider of training and awareness around the issue of domestic abuse. In 2017, they were chosen by the national Health Services Executive (HSE) to review and update its materials on domestic abuse and provide training around the issue of domestic abuse to their teams on a train-the-trainer basis. Microsoft’s contribution will help to fund ongoing work.

Supporting women and children in the community
Sonas provides a refuge in the local area for women and children at risk of abuse and violence. The beneficiaries of Sonas’ services provide design and implementation direction through feedback loops to ensure the service is relevant. Program recipients also learn leadership skills and engage in proactive partnership with the organization.
Sonas CEO Fiona Ryan presents courses around how domestic abuse affects employees in the workplace and has offered to train Microsoft managers in this area. Additional classes are offered on self-esteem and rights protection. By building self-esteem, the affected women are more likely to enter the workforce rather than relying on public support. The women improve their local environment as well, spending time outdoors in parks, planting trees, and volunteering to clean and have a community garden.